pavement, meat puppets, porn orchard, dinosaur jr, explosions in the sky, the pixies, iggy and the stooges, cat power, sonic youth, mountain goats, fletch, thx1138, dogs in space
NYC Taper has The Pixies 11-23-09, Sonic Youth 11-24-09, Meat Puppets 11-25-09, Dinosaur Jr 11-21-09, and Mountain Goats 12-1-09
Big O has Iggy and the Stooges 11-7-09.
Chunklet has demos from Porn Orchard.
Egg City Radio has the soundtracks from THX1138, Fletch and Dogs in Space.
Captains Dead has Explosions in the Sky 4-14-08, Pavement 10-14-99, and Cat Power 1-23-08
@ 6:43 AM